Lessons From the Worst King Ever

Dear Church Family, 

When the true LORD, the God of mercy and grace, is removed from the picture, there’s a spiritual vacuum that forms. And it’s amazing—no, it’s frightening—to see what people will fill this vacuum with. Reality Check: What is the Baal worship of today? The “sacrificing of our sons in the fire”? Have we somehow reconstructed the true religion into a religion of our own devising?

Join us this Sunday at 9:30 as we conclude our Reality Check series with a surprisingly relevant message on the very worst leader God’s people ever had—Manasseh. And yet…even with his story we will discover God’s amazing grace! A big thank you to Pastor Caleb Davisson from our DSA Theology Department who will be preaching. My family and I are in WI visiting family for a couple days and this weekend I’ll be officiating the wedding of Andrew G and Jenny T from our church in Doral.

Summer Worship Schedule: Currently there is no Saturday service. Please join us Sundays throughout the summer at our regular 9:30 am time.

ICYMIWatch my sermon from last weekend on how to put all our problems into the Lord’s hands through prayer like Hezekiah did.

Installation of New Pastor in West Palm Beach: After an 8 month vacancy, our Divine Savior Church in West Palm Beach is pleased to announce God has provided a new pastor to serve the congregation: Pastor Jonny Lehmann. You are invited to attend the special Installation Service on Saturday, August 6, at 3:00 pm. Light refreshments will be served following the service. Pastor Ben from DSC-Doral will be preaching and musicians from our three South Florida congregations will be participating in the worship. To assist the planning team, please RSVP using this link before July 31 if you would like to attend and join us in thanking God.

Installation Sunday: All new called workers of Divine Savior Doral will be installed in each of our worship services on Sunday, August 7. We will also install our newly elected or new-termed DSC council members. We give thanks to God for the blessings of more people to serve with us in ministry here as we change lives with Jesus!  

Groundbreaking Ceremony: Join us for a special brief ceremony outside as we begin the next phase of our Worship and Ministry Center Project. (This will take place next Sunday, August 07, right after the English worship service and before the Spanish service.) We will give thanks to God for the progress made so far and ask for his blessing as we begin demo and construction. May God be glorified as we continue in our mission to change lives with Jesus! We hope you can join us for this exciting next step!

College Ministry Cook-Out
Exciting news!  Divine Savior Church is starting a college student ministry!  To get things rolling, we are inviting any interested college students to join us for a grill out on Sunday, August 7 from 4-8 PM at Morgan Levy Park. This will be an informal gathering with free food and some games. The purpose will be to hear how the students are doing and to start figuring out how we, at Divine Savior, can better support and encourage them, especially in their faith. Feel free to spread the word to any college student.  If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Landwehr.  

Youth Confirmation Orientation: Students in 7th or 8th grade who would like to become confirmed members of our church family can apply to be part of the Youth Confirmation Class taught by the pastors of Divine Savior Church. An orientation meeting will be held Saturday, August 20 from 10:30 am-Noon for all parents and students who will be participating in this year’s class. Please email Pastor Ben if you have any questions. Watch for a registration link soon!

What’s Going on?: We have many exciting new opportunities coming up in the next few weeks! Stay tuned to all of those by using the Divine Savior Church App. Content is updated frequently. Explore the resources you have to grow and connect! Free to download 

“25 for 2025” – In order to build our new Worship and Ministry Center we determined as a church that together we would pull “five levers” to make it financially possible. The biggest “lever” is our campaign called “25 for 2025.” Please visit our special “25 for 2025” campaign web page for more info and to either 1) make your pledge there, or 2) make a contribution. Using the campaign web page we can track all our commitments and demonstrate to the bank our church’s support of this project. Those of you who have expressed your commitment to me verbally, I would ask you please to also now visit this site to make your pledge there if you haven’t done so already. Please reach out to me with any questions. Thank you!

Do we have correct information for you? Please take a moment this week to log in to MyDSC and be sure the contact information we have for you is up to date. We use our Divine Savior Church app as our communication hub to share events, resources, and opportunities for you. However, MyDSC is another tool that we use in our ministry and is our database. Please click here to log in to MyDSC and review/update information. Here is a video tutorial if you need it. If you have any trouble, please contact our office administrator, Alejandra Torres to regenerate an activation email or for troubleshooting.

Serving Opportunities – There are several immediate serving opportunities open in the following areas for Sunday mornings for teens or adults: Usher Team, Greeter Team, Tech Team, and Hospitality Team. We also have openings for adults to serve as part of our Fellowship Team and on the DSYouth Team.  Click here to see a complete list of all opportunities that exist for you. Select what areas you might be interested in and get a little more information. Our goal is for everyone to find a team within your church family. How would you like to serve? We are so thankful for the many volunteers in our church family that already serve. If you have any questions, send Staff Minister Becky a message.

Save the Date

  • Sunday, Aug 7 Installation Sunday
  • Sunday, Aug 7 Groundbreaking Ceremony
  • Sunday, Aug 7 College Ministry Cook-Out
  • Work Day – TBD
  • Sunday, Aug 14 Camp South Celebration Sunday
  • Sunday, Aug 21 DSKids Sunday
  • Sunday, Aug 28 Harvest Strategy Summit
  • Oct 1 & 2 Everyone Outreach Seminar 

Download Our Church App – Use it to worship online, watch archived messages, and register for events and classes that are coming up. Search “Divine Savior Church” in your app store. Select “Doral” as your campus.

DSC on YouTube: Watch past messages and worship services on-demand on our church YouTube channel.

Giving: To give simply follow this link to go to our secure giving page, or click Give at the bottom of the church app. You can make one-time special gifts or set up recurring gifts as well. Thank you for keeping in mind that setting up your regular giving via ACH vs credit card saves our church over 2% in additional fees.

Changing Lives with Jesus,

Pastor Ben


Past Updates

3. RANSOM Week 3

The Cost of Love

1. RANSOM Week 1

Ransom – Our Journey to the Cross Begins This Sunday


Lifting the Veil–From Condemnation to Transformation