I Need Your Help With This One, Lord!

Dear Church Family, 

Our society seems obsessed with the idea of creating a world where no one is offended by what others say. Safe spaces are created so that people can be free of bias, criticism, conflict or ideas that they don’t personally like. Yet Christians always seem to be fair game for criticism. No one seems to care about offending us! Does anyone care if I am offended as a Christian? How should I react when I am offended? How can I live in a world like this as a disciple of Jesus? The good news is Jesus cares and he is my greatest example and motivation for living in a world that hates being offended but at the same time loves to offend.

Join us this Sunday at 9:30 am as we come together to find encouragement for how to handle those situations when our hearts cry out, “Help, I Feel So…Offended.” 

ICYMI: Watch Pastor Steve’s message from last Sunday about how God wants to bring clarity to the confusion we feel sometimes in our lives and in society.

Labor Day is Saturday! Well…technically…it’s this coming Monday. But truthfully for us as a church every Saturday really is a sort of labor day. What am I talking about? Every Saturday at 3:00 pm we need a team of people to meet in the commons to set-up for church. It is labor for the Lord…moving chairs, tables, platforms, etc. But it is always much easier with more people to help. With a team of 8-10 people, we can do it all in about an hour or less. Could you help share in this labor for the Lord once a month? Please let Staff Minister Becky know and she’ll help get you on the schedule. Thanks for helping lighten the labor needed to prepare the Lord’s house each week!

College Ministry – Life is moving fast!  The schedule just keeps getting tighter! Are you stressed out? College students, join us for some fun, fellowship, food and a frank discussion about stress from a Biblical POV on Sunday, September 11 at 5:00pm. Meet at Dr. Landwehr’s home in Miami Springs. Please message him to RSVP and get the address. Hope and pray to see you there!

Invite a Friend to Welcome Back Sunday! Who can you invite to attend our special Welcome Back Sunday service on September 11? Maybe it’s a friend or family member, a co-worker or neighbor? Maybe they’ve never joined us for worship. Or maybe it’s been a while. Bring them with you or plan to meet them at the door. We want to support them and their family, growing spiritually as a family in Christ. We’ll have light refreshments to follow and an opportunity to visit with others!

Come to learn more or share with a friend…On Wednesday, September 21 we are offering a special opportunity to Discover Divine Savior Church! We hope you share this with someone you know that may not yet know about our church family. During this 45-minute session we’ll all get to know Pastor Ben, find out more about our growing ministry, and Discover the path we have to grow spiritually along with the whole family. Discover is a one-time, no-obligation session to get informed, ask questions, and find out more about “Your family in Christ!” Here’s a special invitation video from Pastor Ben. Enter at the high school circle and we will meet in the commons. Please let us know you’re coming by clicking here to register! 

Everyone Outreach Event – Reaching out to touch the lives of others with the good news of Jesus is the mission of the church, and that means all believers. That means you! Does that excite you? Or does it scare you? Please join us for our “Everyone Outreach” event on Saturday, October 1st and Sunday, October 2nd. In this fun, interactive event, facilitators will help us to get excited about bringing God’s love to those who don’t know it yet. Mark your calendars and watch for a link on the DSC app to register soon!

New Song This Sunday: We’ll close our service this Sunday with this beautiful song by CityAlight. As we close our series on navigating strong feelings, the lyrics of this song remind us that God will never forsake us. And therefore we can labor on even in our struggles, “Yet Not I But Through Christ In Me.” 

What’s Going On? We have many exciting new opportunities coming up in the next few weeks! Stay tuned to all of those by using the Divine Savior Church App. Content is updated frequently. Explore the resources you have to grow and connect. Find links and more details to all of our opportunities, etc. Free to download.

“There’s An Excavator Over My Shoulder” – ICYMI  Last week I shared this video with all our members about a special opportunity to give as one of the ways we’ve committed to funding our Worship and Ministry Center. Thank you to all who’ve pledged your support so far! We continue to pray that more will do so as well. May God bless the demolition set to begin this coming week as we look forward to construction! 

Save the Date

  • Sunday, September 11 Welcome Back Sunday
  • Wednesday, September 21 Discover DSC Event
  • Saturday, October 1 & Sunday, October 2 Everyone Outreach Event

DSC on YouTube: Watch past messages and worship services on-demand on our church YouTube channel.

Giving: To give simply follow this link to go to our secure giving page, or click Give at the bottom of the church app. You can make one-time special gifts or set up recurring gifts as well. Thank you for keeping in mind that setting up your regular giving via ACH vs credit card saves our church over 2% in additional fees.

Changing Lives with Jesus, 

Pastor Ben 


Past Updates

3. RANSOM Week 3

The Cost of Love

1. RANSOM Week 1

Ransom – Our Journey to the Cross Begins This Sunday


Lifting the Veil–From Condemnation to Transformation