When Our Generosity Reflects God’s

Dear Church Family,

Like a parent giving their children money so that they can experience the joy of buying someone a present, God also gives us gifts so we can experience generosity by being generous. We therefore not only experience generosity from God as recipients. We experience generosity as God allows us to be in on the giving. We become channels through which God pours resources to meet the needs of others, including their greatest need – the need of their Savior! Join us this Sunday at 9:30 am as we continue our series Experiencing Generosity.

Likewise this Sunday we celebrate a very special occasion – the commissioning of our church president, Mr. Luis Herrera, as a missionary who will be serving with Academia Cristo. We’ll welcome Missionary Matt Behmer from Quito, Ecuador as our guest preacher. Other special guests will participate in the commissioning rite. As someone said to me this week, “What a special way to have a generosity Sunday, a gift to the church, a missionary.”

ICYMI – Watch my message from last Sunday – part one of Experiencing Generosity about The Generosity of God: “Behold, God’s Open Hand!”

New START Class with Pastor Ben – What does the Bible teach? Participate in START Class. This class led by Pastor Ben studies the foundational teachings of the Christian faith using the Bible. Participating in this class will also prepare you to receive the sacrament of Holy Communion at Divine Savior Church when you’re ready. START Class is also the first step to becoming a member of our church family. Begins this coming Sunday, February 12 from 11:00-12:30 pm after church. We’ll meet after church for 7 Sundays in a row after that. Click here to registerQuestions? Contact Pastor Ben

Choose a Group – It’s not too late to join a connect group! Connect with your family in Christ and grow in the Word. Find all the group options and select yours here or on the DSC app. Questions? Contact Jeremy Seeger, our Spiritual Growth Coordinator. 

Faith5: Building strong families – Are you looking for a better way to connect within your family? Deepen your understanding of each other? Improve the mental and spiritual health of your children and yourselves as parents? Discover how by participating in Faith5! Click here to see what other parents have to say. Join our group, along with other parents, that meets together to learn a powerful framework that is simple and easy to implement. We invite both parents to attend the upcoming the Sunday sessions from 11:00 am-noon, which begin February 12. Click here to register. Space is limited.

Church Picnic? In the past we’ve enjoyed a yearly picnic for our entire church family and are thankful for the Fellowship Team who has spearheaded it. However, this team is currently without a leader. If you are interested in serving to help organize a picnic, please contact Staff Minister Becky.

DSYouth Night in Delray – On Saturday February 25th, we will have ONE BIG DSYouth night at DSC in Delray from 5:00-8:00pm where all of the DSYouth groups from Delray, Doral, and West Palm Beach will be together. We’ll enjoy some worship, Bible Study, fun, and FOOD! It’s a great chance for middle and high school students to connect with other young Christians in our DSC family who are passionate about following Jesus. We’ll leave from Doral at 4pm on Saturday and return around 9pm. Please register here if you’re interested in going.

Building Project Progress Updates – Just click “connect” at the bottom menu of our DSC app and you will see an option for “Worship and Ministry Center”. Find photos, videos, and up-to-date construction updates.

DSC on YouTube: Watch past messages and worship services on-demand on our church YouTube channel.

Download Our Church App – Use it to worship online, watch archived messages, and register for events and classes that are coming up. Our app is the communication hub for everything DSC! Search “Divine Savior Church” in your app store. Select “Doral” as your campus.

Weekly Offerings to Budget:

Needed for Current FY 2022-2023: $10,002 / wk  |  Current Weekly Average: $9,993 / wk
Projected Amount Needed for FY 2023-2024: $11,918 / wk
Projected Amount Needed for FY 2024-2025: $12,126 / wk

Giving: To give simply follow this link to go to our secure giving page, or click Give at the bottom of the church app. You can make one-time special gifts or set up recurring gifts as well. Thank you for keeping in mind that setting up your regular giving via ACH vs credit card saves our church over 2% in additional fees. Please note also that the opportunity to pledge and give toward “$2,035 for 3 Years” is for offerings over and above regular giving.

Sunday Playlist – My Worth Is Not In What I Own CWH #753 | God Whose Giving Knows No Ending CWH #749 | In Christ Alone CWH #510

Save the Date:

Sunday, Feb 12 Commissioning of Academia Cristo missionary, Luis Herrera
Sunday, Feb 12 Faith5 English sessions begin | New START Class also begins
Feb 22 Ash Wednesday bilingual worship services at 5:00 pm or 7:00 pm

Changing Lives with Jesus,

Pastor Ben


Past Updates

3. RANSOM Week 3

The Cost of Love

1. RANSOM Week 1

Ransom – Our Journey to the Cross Begins This Sunday


Lifting the Veil–From Condemnation to Transformation