We Would Like to See Jesus

Dear Church Family,

Andrew showed care and concern for bringing others to Jesus. He shows by his example that ministry is one on one. Mission is one on one. Parent to child. Husband to wife (and vice versa). You to a friend, family member, or co-worker. We only know the apostle Peter, because Andrew sought out his brother!

Mission work happens in backyards, picnics, bleachers, and cubicles. One of the main principles of our harvest strategy is “Everyone invite one.” There is value in telling just one person about Jesus!

ICYMI – Watch Pastor Steve’s sermon from this past Sunday based on the apostle Bartholomew.

Pastoral Care: Pastor Ben and family are on vacation through the middle of next week. If you need pastoral care please reach out to Pastor Steve or Pastor Caleb.

Host Family Needed: Divine Savior Academy needs a host family for a junior female student from China. Compensation is provided. If you are interested in opening your home this year, please reach out to Erika Biesterfeld.

DSC on YouTube: Watch past messages and worship services on-demand on our church YouTube channel.

Download Our Church App – Use it to worship online, watch archived messages, and register for events and classes that are coming up. Our app is the communication hub for everything DSC! Search “Divine Savior Church” in your app store. Select “Doral” as your campus.

Our Giving to the Lord:

Current Weekly Average: $11,599 / wk
Amount Needed for FY 2023-2024: $12,622 / wk

Click here to give an offering. You can make a one-time special gift or set up recurring gifts as well. Please note also that the opportunity to pledge and give toward “$2,025 for 3 Years” is for offerings over and above regular, recurring giving.

Sunday Playlist: Blessed Jesus at Your Word CWH #919 | Good News of God Above CWH #905 | Yet Not I But Through Christ In Me

Daily Devotions – Stay connected to God’s Word with the WELS daily devotionsSubscribe and have a devotion sent directly to your email each day. Grace Moments are daily devotions provide by Time of Grace.

Worship and Ministry Center – God’s timing is always perfect. We trust that. There has been a delay for the completion of the new building so our planned date of a special dedication worship service will be later. Please continue to pray for God’s blessings in our efforts. We will share a new date soon.

Assembling furniture, unpacking trucks, and moving in! Volunteer serving opportunities: Our target date of construction completion and occupancy will be soon for the new Worship and Ministry Center. We hope you are as excited about this as we are! We will need: people who have the skills of putting things together like desks, bookshelves, etc.; help moving things from various storage areas on campus (and some from the storage unit) into the new space; and help arranging things in the right places. In the next few weeks we will have a few dates where larger furniture orders will arrive by truck, so help is also needed to unload the trucks and move the furniture where it needs to go. Thanks for volunteering to serve your church family! Stay tuned for specific dates.

Worship, Connect, Serve – It is a blessing to see one another in person at worship each week, which helps build relationships within our family in Christ. As we end summer, there are many opportunities to connect to God’s word and to one another. Right now is a good time to consider also how you and your family can serve in our ministry. If you’re not yet part of a team, we’d love to have you try one! We offer lots of options. Or maybe you would like to try something different? Click here and encourage your family members to do so too. We want to grow our teams to better reach and serve the people around us. How can you be part of it? Together we are changing lives with Jesus as we worship, connect, and serve! If you have more questions, please contact Staff Minister Becky.

Upcoming special days:

Sunday, August 6 Installation Sunday (new called workers)
Sunday, August 13 Camp South Celebration Sunday
Saturday, August 19 Youth Confirmation student & parent orientation
Sunday, August 20 DSKids Sunday
Sunday, August 27 Harvest Strategy Summit

Pastor Ben


Past Updates

3. RANSOM Week 3

The Cost of Love

1. RANSOM Week 1

Ransom – Our Journey to the Cross Begins This Sunday


Lifting the Veil–From Condemnation to Transformation