What a Friend!

Dear Church Family,

This week we come to the end of our series on the book of Proverbs. What a journey! And of course this has really been just a start down the path of seeking the wisdom of our God.

Along the way, we’ve been warned about getting too close to fools and staying away from mockers. As a result, perhaps you, like me, have been compelled to think about the foolish things you’ve done in your life. Solomon, in his wisdom, encourages us to walk with wise people, but when we look back over our lives, has it always been full of wise choices? Yikes. Painful.

Thankfully, Proverbs reminds us: “There is a friend who sticks closer than a brother” (Proverbs 18:24). In other words, there is someone who will stick by you even when friends keep their distance and even when you fall off the path of wisdom. And that’s our Savior, Jesus Christ. Even though he knew that a companion of fools suffers harm (Proverbs 13:20), Jesus became our truest, best friend who would suffer for our sake. Despite knowing everything about us, he still chose to be with us. He forgives us when we stray off the path of wisdom and strengthens us by his Word and Spirit.

What a friend we have in Jesus!

Join me this Sunday at church as we conclude our series talking about the pain of heartache so that we might ourselves find healing and be a true help to others.

ICYMI – Watch my message from last Sunday on the importance of learning to practice self-control.

DSC on YouTube: Watch past messages and worship services on-demand on our church YouTube channel.

DSYouth – Middle School or High school students, you’re invited to join us for DSYouth on Friday, November 10 from 6:00-8:00pm. in It’s an opportunity for students to study the Bible together, pray together, and talk about how we live as followers of Jesus in our world.  If you’re the parent of a Middle School or High School student, you are invited to join our parent group that meets during this time. We hope to see you there! Our motto is “Disciples of Christ, Stronger Together. We’ll meet in the high school commons, as normal. Click here for the required Parent Consent and here for Student Registration. (You only need to do this once this year.)

College Ministry Bible Study – Are you or do you know a college student in the Miami area? Get connected with our DSC College Ministry that encourages college students to learn, live, and lead for Christ. Bible Study on Sunday, Nov 12 at 5:00pm at Divine Savior. Questions? Contact Musumeno for more info.

All Pro Dad – Any dads and their kids who are in Kindergarten through 6th grade can team up with other dads and kids at our school once a month for All Pro Dad! We meet before school from 7:00-8:00 AM in the high school commons for a free breakfast and a character based-curriculum that helps dads start meaningful conversations with their kids. RSVP on our chapter website for our monthly breakfast on November 16. Questions? Contact Pastor Ben.

Family Soccer Day – Join us on the athletic field on Sunday, Nov 19 for an afternoon of fun! Enjoy the fresh air with your DSC family. Meet after the Spanish worship service – about 1:00 pm. Plan on a pick up game of soccer or play with the kids on the playground and or just visit with others. All ages can participate. Bring a snack to share if you like, we will have water. For more information, or if you have any questions, please contact Carlos Garcia on his cell phone at 786-553-1812. See you there!

Baptism– Are you or someone in your family interested in learning more about baptism? Join Pastor Ben to learn what the Bible teaches about baptism. Click here if interested. Divine Savior Church offers baptism for FREE to anyone of any age!

Daily Devotions – Stay connected to God’s Word with the WELS daily devotionsSubscribe and have a devotion sent directly to your email each day. Grace Moments are daily devotions provide by Time of Grace. Download their app for easy access to all their gospel content.

Download Our Church App – Use it to worship online, watch archived messages, and register for events and classes that are coming up. Our app is the communication hub for everything DSC! Search “Divine Savior Church” in your app store. Select “Doral” as your campus.

Our Giving to the Lord:

Current Weekly Average: $10,475 / wk
Amount Needed for FY 2023-2024: $12,622 / wk

Click here to give an offering. You can make a one-time special gift or set up recurring gifts as well. Please note also that the opportunity to pledge and give toward “$2,025 for 3 Years” is for offerings over and above regular, recurring giving.

Sunday Playlist – Christ The Sure And Steady Anchor CWH #812 | I Run to Christ CWH #833 | Still My Soul Be Still CWH #834 | Jerusalem the Golden CWH #889

Upcoming special days:

  • Friday, November 10 DSYouth
  • Sunday, November 12 Start Class
  • Sunday, November 12 Cold Case Christianity Class
  • Sunday, November 12 College Ministry Bible Study
  • Wednesday, November 15 Youth Confirmation Class
  • Thursday, November 16 All Pro Dad
  • Sunday, November 19 Family Soccer Day

Changing Lives with Jesus,

Pastor Ben


Past Updates

4. TABOO Week 4 jpg

Letting Jesus Speak Into the Tension

3. TABOO Week 3 jpg

Loving Across the Aisle

Taboo Jan 17

We Belong to God