It’s Better With Love

Dear Church Family,

What are you hoping to have for Thanksgiving dinner? Some of my best memories involve Thanksgiving meals—of turkey or ham or steak, of mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, my Grandma’s home-made dinner rolls along with her 7-layer jello. Apple, peach, or key lime pie for dessert.

But’s what even better than a sumptuous feast? A family that loves each other, a place where is peace.

Although we finished our series on the Book of Proverbs last week, nevertheless wisdom has this to say to us about Thanksgiving coming up this week:

Proverbs 17:1Better a dry crust with peace and quiet than a house full of feasting, with strife.

Proverbs 15:17Better a meal of vegetables where there is love than a fattened calf with hatred.

That’s why I appreciate so much the family of God, the church! Because of Jesus, we have peace…with God…and with each other. Because of Jesus, we have love…God’s love for us and for each other. So even if we aren’t able to be with our earthly families because of distance, and even if we aren’t able to experience peace and love because of the brokenness of this world… we have peace and love together as the family of God.

So if you’re around this weekend, please join me this Sunday as we take time to thank God for all our blessings as the family of God at worship in a place of peace.

ICYMI – Watch my message last Sunday about Healing Heartache.

Proverbs Playlist – Do you know someone who would benefit from God’s wisdom? Find all our Proverbs sermons here in this YouTube playlist. Watch again, share, and discuss with a friend.

Communion Practice Survey As we prepare for life in our new Worship and Ministry Center, we would like to get our members’ input on the logistics of our Communion practice. Please complete this short survey to give us your opinions (2-3 minutes). Deadline is December 1.

Family Soccer Day – Join us on the athletic field on Sunday, Nov 19 for an afternoon of fun! Enjoy the fresh air with your DSC family. Meet after the Spanish worship service – about 1:00 pm. Plan on a pick up game of soccer or play with the kids on the playground and or just visit with others. All ages can participate. Bring a snack to share if you like, we will have water. For more information, or if you have any questions, please contact Carlos Garcia on his cell phone at 786-553-1812. See you there!

Birthday for Jesus:

Serving Opportunity:On Saturday, December 9 we will be hosting an outreach event for families with children ages 3 through 5th grade in our community. In the past we’ve had many families join us that are not yet part of our church. It’s a great opportunity to point to Jesus and allow people to get to know our family in Christ. There are many opportunities for volunteers of all ages! Invite a friend or neighbor to attend or be part of the volunteer team for the event! If you have any questions, please contact Janette Schultz.

Attend with your children ages 3 years old through 5th grade: Don’t you love birthday parties? Come celebrate the birth of Jesus – the best birthday ever! We’ve created this free event designed specifically for families with children ages 3 through 5th grade. Parents, we want you to experience this event together with your children – especially at Christmas! Divine Savior Church values your family unit and wants to offer you opportunities to grow together. Grandparents are also welcome! Saturday, December 9 at 10:00am. Clickhere to register.

Baptism – Are you or someone in your family interested in learning more about baptism? Join Pastor Ben to learn what the Bible teaches about baptism. Click here if interested. Divine Savior Church offers baptism for FREE to anyone of any age!

DSC on YouTube: Watch past messages and worship services on-demand on our church YouTube channel.

Download Our Church App – Use it to worship online, watch archived messages, and register for events and classes that are coming up. Our app is the communication hub for everything DSC! Search “Divine Savior Church” in your app store. Select “Doral English” as your campus.

Our Giving to the Lord:
Current Weekly Average: $10,745 / wk
Amount Needed for FY 2023-2024: $12,622 / wk

Click here to give an offering. You can make a one-time special gift or set up recurring gifts as well. Please note also that the opportunity to pledge and give toward “$2,025 for 3 Years” is for offerings over and above regular, recurring giving.

Sunday Playlist – Ancient of Days | Praise to the Lord the Almighty CWH #624 | My Heart Is Filled With Thankfulness CWH #626 | Now Thank We All Our God CWH #597

Daily Devotions – Stay connected to God’s Word with the WELS daily devotionsSubscribe and have a devotion sent directly to your email each day. Grace Moments are daily devotions provide by Time of Grace. Download their app for easy access to all their gospel content.

Upcoming special days:

  • Sunday, November 19 Family Soccer Day
  • Saturday, December 9 Birthday for Jesus
  • Saturday, December 10 DSC Blood Drive

Changing Lives with Jesus,

Pastor Ben


Past Updates

4. TABOO Week 4 jpg

Letting Jesus Speak Into the Tension

3. TABOO Week 3 jpg

Loving Across the Aisle

Taboo Jan 17

We Belong to God