Summer Series Week 2

Dear Church Family,

It sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it? Those who trust in Jesus alone are completely forgiven and reconciled with God. This is what you have been taught, but this is such an important issue so it totally makes sense that there must be at least something that you have to do. Then you look in the Bible and it seems to agree with you because James says, “You see that a person is considered righteous by what they do and not by faith alone” (James 2:24). Is James telling us that faith alone in Jesus is not sufficient? Is he in disagreement with the apostle Paul? In this message we will see that there is no disagreement at all. Faith alone in Jesus saves, but saving faith is never alone.

Join us this Sunday at 9:30 am for worship as Pastor Steve continues our summer series “Are you sure that’s what it means?” I will be on the island of Grenada this weekend leading worship at Grace Lutheran Church (which is currently without a pastor) and attending their school’s graduation service on Monday. Over the next year or so Grace Lutheran Ministries of Grenada will be merging with Divine Savior. In my role as Coordinating Pastor of the Divine Savior Church Association I will be helping out with this transition as far as the church goes and coordinating trips of other Divine Savior pastors to the island once a month until God provides them a full-time pastor to join our Divine Savior Church Association team.

ICYMI Watch Pastor Caleb’s message from this last Sunday as he kicked off our new series “Are you sure that’s what it means?” studying Proverbs 22:6.

No START Class This Sunday

District Convention: This past week our church pastors and male teachers attended the bi-annual convention of our South Atlantic District of the WELS. We enjoyed worship opportunities, presentations on the work we carry out together as a synod, and fellowship with others from across the southeast United States and the Caribbean. The keynote was an excellent paper entitled Ahead with Courage: Moving Forward in a Post-Christian World by Pastor Erik Janke.

DSC on YouTube and Spotify: Watch past messages and worship services on-demand on our church YouTube channel. Listen to the sermon podcast on Spotify or wherever find your podcasts.

Our Giving to the Lord:

Current Weekly Average: $11,986 / wk
Amount Needed for FY 2023-2024: $12,622 / wk

Click here to give an offering. You can make a one-time special gift or set up recurring gifts as well. Please note also that the opportunity to pledge and give toward “$2,025 for 3 Years” is for offerings over and above regular, recurring giving.

Sunday Playlist – The Lord Is My Salvation | How Deep the Father’s Love For Us CWH #523 | His Mercy Is More CWH# 579

Daily Devotions – Stay connected to God’s Word with the WELS daily devotions. Subscribe and have a devotion sent directly to your email each day. Grace Moments are daily devotions provide by Time of Grace. Download their app for easy access to all their gospel content.

Download Our Church App – Use it to worship online, watch archived messages, and register for events and classes that are coming up. Our app is the communication hub for everything DSC! Search “Divine Savior Church” in your app store. Select “Doral English” as your campus.

Daily Bible Reading – Would you read THE BIBLE in a year, with me? Click here to join our daily reading plan using the YouVersion Bible app. Jump in wherever we are and get a daily dose of God’s Word.

DSC Gear – Did you know Divine Savior Church has an apparel store with BSN? With resized logos, updated colors, and new clothing items you’ll be sure to find the perfect thing to show your home church to family and friends.

Changing Lives with Jesus,

Pastor Ben


Past Updates

4. TABOO Week 4 jpg

Letting Jesus Speak Into the Tension

3. TABOO Week 3 jpg

Loving Across the Aisle

Taboo Jan 17

We Belong to God