What's the Big Idea?
Surely it’s wrong to test God, isn’t it? After all, Jesus himself said, “Do not put the Lord your God to the test” (Matthew 7:4). There is one time, however, in the Bible when God himself actually commands us to test him. “Test me in this” he says in Malachi 3:10. In what exactly? In giving. Specifically for the people of Israel—in their giving of the tithe. The practice of tithing (giving 10%) is at least as old as Abraham (Genesis 14:20). In Old Testament Israel, tithing was commanded by law. In the New Testament Church, tithing—along with all other methods of giving—is inspired by the gospel of Christ. Many Christians, free from compulsion, tithe as an exercise of their faith. Does God really have the ability to take care of us without 10% of our income? To share an even greater proportion of our income? Faith relishes this challenge. This series is going to encourage each of us to be prayerful, thoughtful, and intentional in our giving. The generosity of God the Father will enable it! The grace of God the Son will empower it! The gifts of God the Holy Spirit will inspire it! We’re going to let God test us when it comes to giving. Why? Because giving is an act of worship.

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