What's the Big Idea?
The season of Advent is a time to prepare our hearts to welcome their rightful king. Jesus’ kingdom is one of righteousness, peace, hope, and joy. Yet, we can often lose sight of such things as we fall into the rhythms and rhetoric of the world which surrounds us. Rivals to Jesus’ throne rise in our hearts.
In this series we focus on prophecies from Isaiah that direct us to watch and wait for Jesus’ kingdom. We recite poetry as we reflect and rejoice in the importance of Jesus’ kingdom. We eagerly listen to this news that is far more than a recurring rhythm or righteous rhetoric – it is the true gospel proclamation that assures us the King, Jesus, came once as he promised and will come again.
As God’s own people we confidently pray, “Thy Kingdom Come.”
Series Plan
November 26 | Raised Above Rivals
Where do you turn when you need information and quick? Do you ask Siri, Alexa, Google? Are “smart” products on your Christmas lists? Artificial intelligence as become more personal, more powerful – giving us an immediate place for questions and needs. What about the questions you can’t ask your techie toys. What about God’s kingdom and how it comes? Isaiah tells us where to turn – to the word of God. Isaiah saw that God would establish his church to bring the world the word of truth and raise Jesus above all others.
December 3 | Wisdom and Righteousness
When we ask, “Thy kingdom come,” don’t we want to know what we are asking? Shouldn’t we know exactly what we are asking. Isn’t that important as we look forward to Christmas? If you’re going to celebrate Christmas – the lights, the carols, and the food, the time with family – shouldn’t we know what’s behind it? Isaiah describes in detail the Kingdom. When we ask “thy kingdom come,” we ask Jesus to rule in our hearts in preparation for his eternal kingdom. Both are defined by righteousness, faithfulness, and justice.
December 10 | Peace Out of Chaos
A barren landscape bursts into vibrant blossoms. What an amazing sight to witness, but Isaiah speaks of the miraculous and instantaneous power of God. God’s kingdom truly does bring joy; everlasting joy. He miraculously works it out of the chaos we see in the world and the chaos that churns inside our own hearts. We are all blind, dead, lame, and mute in our own ways. Jesus changes everything, Jesus’ kingdom delivers real, lasting peace.
December 17 | God With Us
Have you ever asked God for a sign? Did he deliver? Today God tells us to ask for a sign – to test him? He tells us to pray: “Thy Kingdom come.” He wants us to see the signs of his kingdom. The sign of his holy Word preserved through millennia. The sign of water combined with that Word of God. The sign of the most fulfilling feast laid out upon his table. The signs that remind us that God remains “Immanuel” – with us.
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