Plant Any Seeds This Week?

Dear Church Family,

Did you have any opportunities to plant some gospel seeds this week? I wanted to share a quick story from our Santa Rita campus about a man there who is in the auto business. Last week using our core values promo video he was able to plant 11 gospel seeds by just going up to coworkers and saying, “Watch this.” That sparked conversations about church and Jesus. What a wonderful way for him to plant gospel seeds! What are some natural ways you might plant some gospel seeds like that in the course of your everyday life? Not sure what I’m talking about? ICYMI watch my message from this past Sunday about how we love to plant gospel seeds!

This Sunday we continue with our next core value: We always think of others first. In other words, out of love for our Savior, we believe the needs of people outside the church should take priority over the preferences of those inside the church. Like Jesus, we want to love other people enough to meet them where they are at by removing barriers and making sure everyone feels welcome. So please join me for worship this Sunday at 9:30 AM in English. All are welcome!

Starting Point Class: This 7 lesson class that I will lead prepares you to receive the sacrament of holy communion at our church by studying the foundational teachings of the Christian faith.

It’s the starting point for anyone who would like to learn more about God, anyone who wants to see for themselves what the Bible says, or anyone who would like to pursue becoming a member of Divine Savior Church. No previous Bible knowledge needed. Please register online using this link to our website.

What: 7 lessons
When: Tuesday evenings from 7:00-8:30 PM on 10/9, 10/16, 10/23, 10/30, 11/2, 11/9, 11/16
Where: Meet in the auditorium

DSKids Director Position – Last Day to Submit Your Resume. If interested in applying please send your resume to Download a pdf of the position description here.

Mommy & Me next activity Monday, October 8 from 8:45-10am. Divine Savior Church. All children 0-4 years of age are invited to participate with their caregivers for Bible story time, songs, and creative play! Please register online here. $5 a session or $20 for the semester. Your first two sessions are FREE! Questions? Email Grace Seeger.

DSYouth meets next Friday, October 5 from 6-8:30 PM in church. The topic that we will discuss will be Reclaim Your Thoughts. All middle school / high school students invited.

Hurricane Florence Help. Ascension Lutheran Church in Jacksonville, NC is a mission church that serves many young families stationed at Camp Lejeune Marine Base. Again this Sunday you are invited to bring pre-paid gift card(s) to church that we will send to Pastor Doug Lange next week to help his members according to their needs.

What a Week: Led Jesus songs on my mandolin at Mommy and Me. Met with confirmation class parents and their kids. Had an 8th grade DSA student ask me if he could be baptized at our special Baptism Sunday on Nov 18—God be praised! Got to lead chapel for ECE and Elementary school. Led the opening devotion, gave a report, and attended my first Divine Savior Ministries Governing Board meeting in my role as the Coordinator Pastor of Divine Savior Church. Spent time with Pastor Dave Bivens who flew in from our Sienna Plantation campus in TX and connected with our Delray Beach campus staff. Having the opportunity to talk with a couple DSA students here who are struggling with their faith. Tweaking plans for the Worship Arts Center. Making plans for a capital campaign. Creating Sunday’s worship plan and about to get started on my sermon. Oh, and I had fun leading a pep band of one at the first ever DSA home flag football game on Tuesday!

Divine Savior Ministries: Want to stay in the loop on what’s going on across all our campuses? Our Divine Savior Ministries website now features a blog. You can also connect on Facebook or Instagram. Check it out!

Refreshment Schedule – Here are the families scheduled for refreshments the next two months starting October 7. Thank you for loving the people Jesus loves and creating an enjoyable environment where our church family can gather after worship! If you have any questions or would like to help in the future, please contact Pam, our Sunday morning refreshments coordinator.

 October 7       Wells   Won
October 14.    M Fernandez    J Marshall
October 21     Arguello   Ross
October 28     Londono   J Leyrer

November 4.     Schmitz    Hoppe
November 11    Sullivan   Kirchoff
November 18    Baptism Sunday –  Joint service
November 25    Landwehr   Calil

Next All Pro Dad’s Day—October 25th. Register online. It’s for all dads and kids ages K-6th Grade.

Changing Lives with Jesus,

Pastor Ben


Past Updates

1. RANSOM Week 1

Ransom – Our Journey to the Cross Begins This Sunday


Lifting the Veil–From Condemnation to Transformation

7. TABOO Sex Gods Amazing Plan

Discovering God’s Design for Sex