When Peer Pressure Becomes Fear Pressure

Dear Church Family,

In Exodus 32, the Israelites say to Aaron, “Come, make us gods who will go before us.” So what does Aaron do? He takes their gold jewelry and fashions it into a golden calf. He makes a “god” the people could see.

Why did they want a “god” they could see even though a golden calf was pretty clearly a false god that couldn’t actually help them? Simply put, it was fear. Fear of the unknown. Fear of the unseen. Fear of the future.

And fear, like we’ve experienced this week, can cause people to do unreasonable, even crazy things. When people lose sight of the true God and his gracious promises, there is nothing left to do but panic when feelings of a crisis hit close to home. Peer pressure becomes fear pressure.

So what do we need? We need to daily reclaim the promises of our capital “G” God who is actually with us and is able to help us in our trouble and need. He is the One who can get us off the hook of the lure of fear pressure and keep us safe—now and forevermore!

“Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust” (Psalm 91).

Join us for worship in person or online this weekend as Pastor Caleb shares a message from God’s Word based on Exodus 32 and helps us find comfort in the Most High God who is our refuge!

Saturday at 5:00 pm
Sunday at 9:30 am

Looking for a song to help you find strength in God right now in this face of confusion and fear? Here’s one of my favorites after watching this group live in concert a couple years ago.

Watch Church Live: If you or someone you know is not able to make it to church in person, you can always worship with us live over the internet. Click HERE to visit our livestreaming YouTube channel where we broadcast live every Sunday at 9:30 am. We have also begun livestreaming our Wednesday Lenten services at 7:15 pm. In case you missed this week’s Lenten service you can watch it archived here. Is there someone you know from our church family who is shut in at home right now? Please consider helping make sure they know how to access our online services: http://dschurch.link/worship

ICYMI:Watch my message from last weekend – Part 2 of Unhooked. Breathe Out. Breathe In. Be Blessed. Learn how the rhythm of confession and absolution is like swimming so that you don’t drown.

Regarding the Coronavirus – Here is an email we sent this week in case you missed it. In all things we entrust ourselves into the hands of our gracious Savior (and what a powerful witness that is right now to our world as fears multiply daily!). At the same time such faith in our Savior’s providential care for his own does not mean we that we carelessly ignore precautions where they are deemed wise.

Join us on Wednesdays – Lenten worship at 7:15 pm. We will also be livestreaming. No meals beforehand.

Dinner Date Night Postponed – At this time we have postponed this event. It is our desire to reschedule this as we better understand the current situation in our country and community. We thank you for your patience and look forward to a relaxing dinner at Marfil Bistro in the near future. If you have any questions, please contact Marisol or Mario Cifuentes, leaders of our Marriage Ministry Team.

Did You Know? If you already shop with Amazon, our church is eligible to receive charitable donations through AmazonSmile. Amazon will donate 0.5% of the purchase price to our church. To shop at AmazonSmile simply go to smile.amazon.com from the web browser on your computer or mobile device. You may also want to add a bookmark to smile.amazon.com to make it even easier to return and start your shopping at AmazonSmile. On your first visit to AmazonSmile smile.amazon.com, you need to select “Divine Savior Lutheran Church” to receive donations from eligible purchases before you begin shopping. Amazon will remember your selection, and then every eligible purchase you make at smile.amazon.com will result in a donation to our church.  

Weekly Offerings: Last weekend: $8,824.95| Average weekly fiscal year to date: $8,619.13 / wk. | Needed weekly to carry out our current ministry plan: $8,374 / wk.

Did You Know? If you’re worshiping with us online, you can still participate in the offering by giving online. It’s easy to do using the “Give” tab in MyDSC or by clicking on “Give” on our website: www.divinesaviorchurch.com

Attendance Last Weekend – Saturday: 74 | Sunday: 109

Weekend Playlist Glorious in Majesty | Nailed to the Cross | Whom Shall I Fear | We Love

Changing Lives with Jesus,

Pastor Ben


Past Updates

3. RANSOM Week 3

The Cost of Love

1. RANSOM Week 1

Ransom – Our Journey to the Cross Begins This Sunday


Lifting the Veil–From Condemnation to Transformation